The Dehesa (meadowlands) is considered to be a System of High Nature Value (High Nature Value farming and forestry, HNV) by the European Union, as it […]
Ibérico Ham and Ibérico Shoulder Ham, independently of their category, are respectively the hind and front legs of an Ibérico pig, which following an adequate curing […]
Among many of the very special genetic characteristics to be found in the Ibérico pig is its capacity to accumulate infiltrated fats rich in Oleic Acid […]
The hard work in preparation for the montanera (free-range period) and the autumn-winter in #laDehesaViva (the vital meadowlands) comes to its end in the month of […]
Between the beginning of this rather late spring and the arrival of the summer (which was also rather late this year) #LaDehesaViva (the vital meadowlands) has […]
Spring, sign of renewal, marks the start of the new campaign at Sierra de Codex. Every year in #LaDehesaViva (the vital meadowlands) the colors of spring […]
The Gold Medal of Work Merit, granted by the European Association of Economy and Competitiveness, acknowledges, rewards and celebrates the success of companies with an exemplary […]
Sierra de Codex Ibérico Loin is a total classic in the kitchens of thousands of homes. Its delicate marbled texture ensures that its most traditional preparations […]
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